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Sphere on Spiral Stairs



Grace and Peace, God has given us a burden for the body of Christ, because we have been separated for quite some time. We have allowed many things such as denomination and race etc., to keep us from being united as God intended.


Our heart is that we the Body could finally come together, despite what our denominations may say, despite what our skin color or nationality says. I also believe that our cities will come together once we do. For how can we minister to the world if the world see us fighting and separated?
So God has given us a vision to bring as many churches, Pastors, ministers and ministry leaders together, that we may show the world what heaven will look like. The name of this vision is Breath of Life United Fellowship of Churches, Int’l. Not just another fellowship just to call itself one. But one who has a mandate to bridge the gap with other denominations, other races, through ecumenical fellowship.


We are a fellowship with integrity, being accountable first to God as well as to each other. Our focus is on strengthening the local Pastor and minister through workshops and seminars etc., that they may be able to be effective in the areas that God has assigned them too. While also being an avenue where the Pastor can release with confidentiality.


In short the vision of Breath of Life United Fellowship of Churches, Int'l. is to “Bring together and Strengthen the body, One joint at a time”


Humbly submitted
Your Servant
+C.T Olford
Bishop Clifford T. Olford
Presiding Prelate

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